Featuring: Site Visit Episode 1

Buildings on Air is taking a break this month (don't worry we will be back in December!) but in lieu of our regularly scheduled program we have a special treat. You might remember Ashley Bigham and Erik Herrmann of Outpost Office from Episode 9 when they talked about their project "Another Campo Marzio." Since that episode Ashley and Erik, along with producer Matthew Shulman, have launched a new fantastic podcast called Site Visit that fans of Buildings on Air are sure to enjoy. 

We are airing Episode One of Site Visit where Erik and Ashley visit Menards with Ellie Abrons of the architecture firm T+E+A+M. If you like what you hear go subscribe to their show on iTunes and listen to Episode Two! You an also visit www.sitevisitpod.com for more information or see what Ashley and Erik are up to on isntagram @outpostoffice. Happy Listening!